Preserved Sheet Ó'rlal'ith Al'rel Eil'ith'lana

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Incomprehensible Geometry
Aug 9, 2014
Reaction score
The Backrooms

Basic Information

  • Full Name: Ó'rlal'ith Al'rel Eil'ith'lana
  • Age: 52
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Avanthar
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Preferred Weapon: An intimidating Blacksteel Warhammer with steel-filled shallow engravings of the Dressolini upon the sides of its head, cheeks, throat and claw featuring some Kadite gemstones hollowed and dressed 'round its hilt, and another round its eye and on the bottom of the handle and a small tasselled rope for embellishment along with it.
Skill Information (Required)

Total Porficiency Points: 50 (45 Age, 5 Base)

  • +20 Metallurgy Sciences (Age)
  • +20 Finecraft Science (Age)
  • +5 Strength Training (Talent)
  • +5 Perception Training (Talent)
  • +7 Two-Handed Blunt combat training (+5 Base, +2 Age)
  • +10 Wooden Art (+5 Hobby, +5 Racial Boost)
  • +8 LeatherWork (+5 Hobby, +3 Age)

Body Shape

  • 35 P.Stat (+10 Metallurgy, +10 Finecraft, +5 Strength, +5 Wooden Art, +7 Two Handed Blunt Combat/ Racial Cap)
  • Body type: Ripped
  • Body Fat: Low Body Fat (16%-19%)

  • Common
  • Modern Altalar (parents)
  • Plains Elven (region)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • Genetic Defense; Once per day, for up to an hour, the Avanthar can alter themselves internally to prevent them from being tracked or followed.
  • Evolved Mutations; The Avanthar has access to a set of custom Mutations that they can manifest naturally, and can additionally shed them while sleeping.
  • Natural Inclination; The Avanthar can naturally manifest any Mutations from the Monster or Pagan Mutations Category, and can additionally shed them while sleeping
  • Apex Predator; Avanthar are the recognized masters of the woods and plains, and all non-ability summoned, non-magus animals respect this. When an Avanthar, and up to 1 other Character, are traveling in natural environments, no animal will attack them
  • Evolutionary Growth; The Avanthar, by walking or touching it physically with any limb, can cause natural greenery and plants to wilt or grow with unnatural vibrancy as they walk
  • Cast of the Body; The Avanthar's legs become goat-like with hooves, gain a set of large curled ram horns, and a prehensile lion tail, Can't be rooted or knocked. Also Stamina.
Basic Information (Expansion)
  • Orlaith resides in regalia on account of unfortunate circumstances, due to daendroque not being right working conditions for her own family they left, and her along with, she cares for regalia's fine classes but most else she is indifferent to especially having been there for 20 years now seems like a dream that they'd ever not been there, being a smithy was once a passing fancy but is now mostly her passion she dreams of skysteel and nightsilver...but her mother and step-father being avid craftsman and lyricists she does yearn for her own income instead of running to her parents when needs she something when there's no work at the smithy's or the taverns and inn's.
  • Born to Adaire Eil'ith'lana and Bri'criu Al'rel in Daendroque along with her twin brother 'Orlic'; Orlaith was brought up like any typical Avanthar up until her father was murdered by an enslaved horseman-orc, her Ériunin stepfather she will come to adore and be loyal too as much as her born father. Her grandfather was a scary-like Avanthar who had seen much and been a mercenary and he told her often stories of fantasticality and danger that she much prefered being around people, he was weird.
  • Among other things she wishes to know all the traditional songs of the Ériun Ailors, being they so jiggy, reely and fun she can't resist!
Visual Information (Required)
The following is required when filling out your character application. Please use a Bullet Point list. Try to keep the information here as simple and confined as possible, it's supposed to be a short list.
  • Eye Color: Narkiss Blue
  • Hair Color: Red
  • Hair Style: Wavey, Simply down, behind the ears, or braided pigtails
  • Skin Color: Tan olive, freckled lightly.
  • Clothing: Orlaith wears a fancy like white frilled silk long-sleeve shirtdress with a green leather split long vest (akin to a fishing vest and jacket crossover) with black stockings and over the knee fir rimmed leather boots
  • Height: 162cm

Personality and Abilities

Neutral Good
Personality Type
Consul(ESFJ-T) ((With a touch of artsy!)
Ulbannör, the Guardian 5/10​
  • Has a strange fear of birds
  • Opium addiction!
  • Allergic to Tabbacca and it's smoke.
Personality and Abilities (Expansion)
  • Orlaith compulsively counts thing, and people, seemingly at random curiosity; she' prone to tongue chewing and lip biting when flushed, either from embarrassment or from flattering and sings when bored, wherever be she.

  • Orlaith is oddly able to care for animals well, along with deciphering good alcohol betwixt a bad one, and she also has a rather iron belly, being able to down recently spoiled things and not taste much a difference.
  • Orlaith likes parties and get-togethers, planning them and setting them up in a natural organic way that makes fun for everyone, it makes her feel secure and damn is it fun to just be there and the life of the party, generally being accepted etc. Orlaith also genuinely enjoys soup and pasta with a passion, the warmth and breadth that a good soup or pasta brings to the heart makes her feel childhood joy inside. Orlaith also also loves singing classical and traditional songs of the Ériun!
  • People who are consistently worried about things because they didn't plan accordingly, she feels like this is a personal double standard, the said people saying "don't worry about it" and then later regretting it, it seethes her and with a little more thought put into a course of action could be avoided with something so trivial even.
  • Birds, they scare her and anger her, they're mostly useless, loud pecky, and aggressive for no particular reason, and especially with her lengthy hair.
  • Anyone who doesn't like her, or particularly gives her specifically the cold shoulder, and criticism of any sort makes her feel hurt, and insecure, and typically puts her in a solemn and moody mood.

Relationships (Optional)
Add Relationships to NPC and player characters. Write this list of relationships with a bullet point. Describe what their current relation to one another is, and how they originally met. If you want to, you can add flavor by @tagging the player behind the character next to the character name. Relationships are a great way to socialize with other players! Speculate on relations, ship characters and create lasting friendships and nemeses! This section, while optional, is especially recommended if you want to create a social feel to your Sheet.


Life Story (Required)
Ages 5-15: Daendroque, she was raised rather privileged. Having been born in Daendroque, her parents mostly had little time; she'd see them rarely together as they were outward working, one after the other. travelling and selling musical instruments and preforming in tavern's and the inn's across daen being her father a thespian and mother a craftsman they were quite successful she had a nice teen-hood filled with dancing and finecraft aptitude and studied a bit of diplomacy under her well-learned father before his death, which would eventually cut her learning a bit short.

Ages 20-30:Oraliath's father died at 70 leaving his span shortened by some 20 years when Orlaith was 24, A fearsome rogue Half-orc horseman invaded their home with a vendetta against the scholar. While Orlic and her tried their best to fend him off, they had no training and the orc was brutish and took the lone Avanthar keeling easily and had no quarrel for the children and left them for their mother to return and promptly move them to regalia to find new business, as having your husband slaughtered by a slave-orc isn't the greatest for business. These few years would be spent in grief and they swore they'd learn to protect the ones they were loyal to after finding new inspiration from their new Ériunin step-father, Niamh Gallagough, and coming out of the slump. They found their new stepfather a good companion and friend and respected him for getting with their mother with two needy-too-old children and he treated them with solace and wisdom, training them proficiently in respective arts.

Ages 40-now: Orlaith will learn a few more trades in the Holy City, Smithing, painting and carpentry alike and all for extra coin to party some more! She will also develop an Opium addiction and an allergy to tabbacca and it's smoke from partying probably too much. Having now found herself mainly a smithy job, she began to love it and became extremely invested in it opposed to her other fun having skills. Smithing had a use in it, like art and working at the same time. She adored smithing and for 15+ years it's what she's been doing, Idly getting together with friends and the like to sweat off the stress with alcohol, things have been quiet but soon they will change.
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