xamanito juarez

  1. WillTheSeaSpirit

    La Cocina Basqulierra Daendroque Cafe

    La Cocina Basqulierra Daendroque Cafe Who we are ? Founded January 19th, 308 by Regalian resident of Daendroque origin, Xamanito Juarez, La Cocina Basqulierra is a casual restaurant and cafe serving signature and authentic dishes from all over Daendroc, especially those from Xamanito's...
  2. WillTheSeaSpirit

    Shelved Character Xamanito Juarez {the Hustling Scholar}

    Basic Information: Full Name: Xamanito Fernando Juarez (Fernando "Xamanito" Knightwulf y Juarez de Meškiaĝ-Nanna in Daendroque Naming Custom) or Xama for short Age: 25 (Birthdate: April 17th, 285) Gender: Cisgender Male Race: Ailor (Anglian and Daendroque) Sexuality: Homosexual Eye Color...