wtf is the use of tags

  1. Sadface_Saturn

    I'll Be Good

    Milo lay with the side of his head resting on Uri's shoulder and one of his arms wrapped around the younger mans waist. The purple bags under his eyes were almost invisible in the dark room and his grip on the other man was lacking it's usual strength, another one of the cons from not sleeping...
  2. SnashuuPomaymay

    Art Auction [sold Out] 5 Traditional Art Slots!

    HEY CHIEF. SUP. Okay, so we’re gonna be doing an auction, this time an art auction. It’ll ONLY BE TRADITIONAL ART, and it will ONLY BE FOR USD PAYMENTS. I’m a thot for money and people are thots for art, and also I want my computer back already >:c RULES I won’t draw characters with...