
  1. TalkChat

    House Ekaaten - Velheim Family

    Family Name: House Ekaaten. Family Wealth: 5/10 (Commoner Status), Family Culture: Velheim. Family Origin: Holbaek, Tryllejag within the North Belt. Famly Motto: "I det mindste lever jeg." (At least I'm living). House Trade: Mostly farming, though guardwork amongst the house is very prevelent...
  2. TalkChat

    ❁ House Elsnaire ❁

    ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ Family Overview House Elsnaire is an Isldarian family that prospers within the confines of Regalia by owning several mines about Aloria and selling the minerals to the merchant’s around the Regalian Archipelago. Though in more recent years the ‘Frostlings’ have...
  3. TalkChat

    I Need Some Advice! -wrongchat

    Advise, something I think everyone needs once and awhile and I feel this community could help me out with a bit of an issue I’m having my own roleplay. So I'm just going to start off by saying I believe roleplay in its core has a bit of a learning curve to it just like everything in life. You...
  4. TalkChat

    A Drink To Be Had.

    @Belgrade @ProfessorThaumic @Voidemite @MableSyrup @Caverly @AtticCat @Miss_Confined On the floor motionless. The stormy night never seemed to stop and neither did the drinking that afternoon. A light shined through the window onto the man's face he awoke with a groan that could wake up...