
  1. The Unknown

    Preserved Sheet Conrad Meckler

    Character Information Full Name: Conrad Meckler Race: Ailor (Wirtem culture) Age: 135 (28 excluding dormancy) Gender: Male Eye Color: Grey Core Concept Conrad is an Alice-in-wonderland-like character inspired by fairy myths, whose demeanour is all smiles and good faith, but whose true nature...
  2. cosmoons

    The Society Of The Shooting Star

    The Society of the Shooting Star was founded by Lirh Aaro of House Abansaddi, created by the young Lirh to be a place of artistic freedom and liberty. The Society of the Shooting Star is open for any artistic inclined noble to join. Commoners and vassals are asked to seek out Lirh Aaro to...
  3. ThatBurningFox

    Preserved Sheet Asaka Onenda

    ASAKA ONENDA ╔══════════════════════════════════╗ IMAGE PLACEHOLDER ╚══════════════════════════════════╝ 》Basic Information Full Name: Asaka Onenda Nickname(s): Asa Age: 25 years old Gender: Female Race: Altalar Subrace: Lesarra Sexuality: Knowledge (and maybe something else, who knows)...
  4. eggmouse

    Preserved Sheet The Legend Of Serpentus

    in absentia lucis, tenebrae vincunt. /////////////////A LEGEND... SHOULD BE LEFT WELL ALONE./////////////////// ♚ AND I BLINK IN SIGHT OF YOUR BLINDING LIGHT. PINTEREST [X] | PLAYLIST [X]
  5. Conspixuous

    Preserved Sheet Felix Nort, The Fallen

    Felix Nort ~-o~O~o-~ Basic Information "You lack some respect." Full Name: Felix Nort Age: 42 Gender: Male Race: Dressolini Ailor Sexuality: Heterossexual ~-o~O~o-~ Skill Information "I'm a man of my word." ~Total Points~ 42 Proficiency points to spend from age, because the...
  6. enderdragon

    Writing Advice!

    Hello, MassiveCrafters! MassiveCraft as a whole has so many types of talented players. Some players are extraordinarily skilled at building, while others have the ability to create unique and honestly pretty amazing pieces of art. This thread will not be about those people, sorry! There are so...
  7. Walrusaur_

