witch hunter

  1. G0atfather

    Preserved Sheet Ser Geoffrey Broussard

    Theme | Pinterest Art by @Shibani Basic Information Full Name: Ser Geoffrey Broussard Age: 45 Gender: Male Race: Archan Ailor Culture: Colonial and Ithanian mix Sexuality: Heterosexual Preferred Weapons: Shortsword, Whip, Quartertek Inventory Information Steel Shortsword - 75...
  2. KK134

    Preserved Sheet Alexis Morgan | The Arcanist

    Alexis Morgan "And I will cut off sorceries from your hand, and you shall have no more tellers of fortunes." Micah 5:12 Basic Information Full Name(Imperialized): Alexis Morgan Before Imperialization: Alexa (no last name) Age: 38 Gender: Female Race: New Regalian Akkadian Ailor Sexuality...
  3. nath_n

    Blood Washes Over Your Demons

    Blood Washes Over Your Demons It was a crisp afternoon on the date of December 31st, 305 A.C. guardsmen Alec Dondario had been going through his normal patrol after declining to drink earlier in the night. He’d receive a message from a guy, it was proclaimed to be urgent. Was at...
  4. Eternal_Wrath

    ~ Order Of The Holy Blade ~

    ♫ The loud calls of battle horns are heard echoing throughout the streets of Regalia, beckoning all those that reside in them to find their way to the tavern. Standing upon the center table would be three men in heavy armor, accompanied by seven or eight light armored men standing around it...
  5. enderdragon

    The Last Witch Hunter: To Capture A Mage

    To late did Cedric realize that he had thrown the grenade too hard. The lapis grenade went spinning right into the hearth were a blazing fire had just been brought to life. It laid there for less than a second and then the grenade exploded sending blue dust puffing out from the fire...
  6. enderdragon

    The Last Witch Hunter

    “Did’nt you herd? They are no more Weetch Hun’ ters anymore.” Cedric Claivor was no longer offended when he was spoken to in this way. Once, people would trip over there overlarge feet to bring him information, but now he is just given odd looks in his boiled leather, dyed a dark green. He even...