why did i make this

  1. Sadface_Saturn

    Letting Go

    They say time heals all wounds. They say if you just wait it out it'll get better in the end. It hasn't. It didn't. Milo was still waiting for time to heal his wounds but they were still gaping, his heart bleeding out for the world to see. Every slash directed towards the boys body, every stab...
  2. Nirnro0t


    Sorry. It was a word people expected her to say. A lot. ‘Apologize, Fen’nan. Don’t be disrespectful, Fen’nan.’ They told her these things, over and over again as if some day she might magically change. Like she might wake up one day and decide to be a different person. Friggin boom! Magic shite...
  3. Nirnro0t

    The Ghost Of You

    __________ __________ Sea-green eyes framed by dark lashes re-ran it’s gaze over the page, the cursive, elegant script flowing across the multiple pages of the leather journal, illuminated only by the dim candlelight of the burning wax candle on the corner of the desk. Seated at the desk...
  4. DolittleGuy

    His Son And Him

    A toddler’s whines broke the still silence in the elder Marth’s household, followed by a sigh from the very same Claith. He grunted, getting up from his sitting chair to shuffle over to his son with a weary smile as he looked down at his son. The boy had broken his wooden horse it seemed...
  5. S

    I'm A Tree

    Hey hey hey! I'm bored, so I figured I'd make one of these threads. I am Aspen (wow observant) and my name has two underscores, contrary to popular belief, because I make things inconvenient. I swear I've tried to change it but someone already has Aspen_. Eventually I will hunt them down. If...