
  1. Nathan

    A Declaration Of Vassalage

    House Winslough of Ostlaukirchen pledges itself under House Howlester of Galloy On June 12th of 306 AC,Grand Duke Peter Winslough pledges himself a vassal under Grand Revain Rodderick Howlester. This is an official declaration of surrender from House Winslough. The funds requested by House...
  2. darkarely

    Announcement Of Vasalization - House Black

    I, Dianne Black, do solemnly swear the fealty of the House Black of Narlas to the House Kehlen of Redde. As a sworn vassal of the House Kehlen, we do swear to adhere to the following rules. Provide troops should our liege lord have need of them Provide gold should our liege lord have need of it...
  3. ZiggyStarDusted

    A Vassalisation And An Exit..`

    To those whom it may concern are a few announcements, As of the first day of May, 306 AC House Celyreos formally pledges fealty to that of House Howlester after an agreement made prior, that we wish to honour. It is both of the houses' interests towards the betterment of the empire and it's...
  4. OnyxXIII

    A Declaration Of Bannership

    Gallus slid over a document he pulled from a leather folder, pointing at a blank spot at the bottom. "Just sign there, Ser Leopold, and we have an agreement." Leopold would read over the document quickly, but with care, noting the wording of each sentence. Nodding in satisfaction, he would pick...
  5. MarquisAlex

    An Oath Of Vassalage

    AN OATH OF VASSALAGE Penned by Benedictus “The Silver Bear” d’Vaud, House Patriarch of that Knightly Name, Imperial Ser of Opper-Calem, 15th March 306AC. Improvidus, Apto Quod Victum These are the Words of House d'Vaud. In the Common Tongue: "Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome". I, the House...