unionist bois

  1. FeatheredBlade

    Shelved Character Alduir Stormblade

    Character Information Full Name: Alduir Stormblade Birth Name: Aldair Tempetyr Race / Culture: Breizh Ailor Age: 26 Gender: Male Occult: Godmagic Paladin Core Concept A Knight of the Faith, an Elen worshipper and a Villiers-Eclaire, the man is the epitome of grace and stoicism. Briezh...
  2. NebulaePrimo

    The Citizens' Edit - Issue 3

    Piles of papers could be found all around highly frequented areas in the city. Subscribers got their copies delivered to their door, however. They sat there, just waiting to be read. Once again, it is I, Maxwell, here writing to you about our fair city. This time, the focus turns to some...
  3. Azas

    Preserved Sheet Valentino Solisti

    ╔══════════════════════【⎈】══════════════════════╗ ╚══════════════════════【⎈】══════════════════════╝ Art by @microwavemmm Character Information Name: Valentino Solisti Nicknames: Admiral Former Nicknames: Grand Marshal, Your Grace :'( Race: Full-blooded Ailor, Dressolini by birth Age: 46...
  4. Pellaeon

    Call To Arms - Volume One

    This message would be posted on respective announcement boards across Old Town, including one on the Church of Salvation Folk of Old Town and Those Watching Beyond the Barricades, We speak with you again in need of aid. While the Church of Our Lady of Salvation has indeed been freed...