
  1. HuskyLeader

    Starting The Voyage

    Within the sky dotted clouds barely visible through the glimpses of moonlight that illuminated the earth beneath at the late hour. Frigid winds blew through Regalia picking up snow and throwing it around and at any passing night owl that tread the streets of the Holy City. One such man was an...
  2. HydraLana

    The Great Journey Of 307 Ac - Part 1: Serpents Sailing

    >><< >><< The ship had been paid exceptionally well for the simple task it had been given. Any moral quandaries the captain and his crew possessed had likely been silenced by that bit of extra Regals in their pockets, though it was most certainly not a bribe. It had all merely been an...
  3. A

    [update] The Real Skylords Of Aloria : First Landing

    After a rather crazy and sleep-deprived idea, and the initial tests last night, we have now successfully built and piloted the first 2-man redstone powered flying machine. Unfortunately, we had to make mid-flight repairs to our device (marked with X), ultimately splitting the machine into two...