
  1. Arhbi

    Arhbi's Art Thread

  2. whypr

    Preserved Sheet Alexander Latham

    Basic Information Full Name: Alexander Flynn Latham Age: 29 Gender: Male Race: Ailor ( Seltai ) Main Ambition: Keeping his friends safe. The reason being that he never wants those he feels comfortable with to leave, and he always wants some sort of friendship to be able to get help from...
  3. taintedly

    Pasta Tries To Art: Version Number Two

    'hello my friendos the old art thread I had was cluttered and full of embarrassing old art so I decided to make a new one have some art of Chandra Nalaar aka my aesthetic FRANCIS my childddd also I figured it would be dank to tell y'all what stuff I use to art so get ready to cringe dollar...
  4. IGutTheMidasTuch

    Midas's Art Thread 0.2

    yaaaaay i had an art thread a while back but that died here is trash i like pineapple lets go ready ur vomit bags ahh
  5. taintedly

    Triggeredtaco's Art Thread

    Okay so I do traditional art and stuff. Doodle of Ivian- Also if you want me to draw you something, it's free. Just message me if you want one done. Disclaimer- I only draw humans/ humanoid characters. So things like Kleinfolk and Shendar are doable, they just take a bit longer. If you're...