the eroths

  1. FeralGayWalnut

    Sweetness In The Snow

    The snow crunched under foot as Catalina kept pace with her youngest daughter, Alejandra. The young Alatalar had charged ahead of her mother and aunt. Blowing a strand of hair out of her face, the emerald eyed nelfin allowed a small smile to slip over her features as she observed her daughter...
  2. FeralGayWalnut

    Candlelight Watch

    The clinic had grown silent except for the soft whimpering coming from one of the cots. The noise was muffled, but slowly the whimpering halted altogether as another noise took it's place, that noise being soft humming. Seraphina sat, holding her daughter’s smaller hand in both of hers. Her own...
  3. FeralGayWalnut

    The Queens Of The Sea

    Just a note that all contents of the following story happened many years ago. She was a fool. Her skin pale and soaked with sweat. It was done, but she still felt like a fool. A fool who had made so many mistakes. This one being the largest as of late. Or at least that's how she felt. The...