the dawn

  1. RookieMelody

    The Den Of Wolves

    Regalia, I write to you all in both a grateful heart but also an enraged soul. As rumors you may have heard from Wulf of my arrest? Yes, they are true. However, the reason why was greatly exaggerated and falsified as Wulf often does when he speaks of me. Yes, it is also true my friend...
  2. RookieMelody

    The Calling Out Of Wulf E. Grofsmid

    Wulf E. Grofsmid, Leader of Deathsbane Milita, Or if I should even call you that, a better word to fit you is a coward. I have witnessed many of your shortcomings and one I see stand the most is your Cowardice and Arrogance to the actions around you. You call that you will fight for your...
  3. TlKHO

    Preserved Sheet ࿇ Arthur Faye Gallagher ࿇

    New Beginnings Basic Information Full Name: Arthur Faye "Hay-boy" Gallagher. Age: Twenty years. Gender: Male. Race: New-Ceardian Ailor; Woaden lineage. Sexuality: Heterosexual Preferred Weapon: Fists. (No bladed-combat training.) Proficiency Limits: 25 Inventory Information Father's...