
  1. Brit<3

    Scars That Won't Heal

    The silence fell in the lower parts of the sewers, the dark tunnels that lead to more tunnels, what could be found in theses tunnels? in this darkness. In the corner of the dark passage sat a girl, a Kathar, alone she sat, alone and contemplating her life. The silence held many mysteries...
  2. Magivore

    The Last In A Line Of 12

    A link of music to set up the mood: This is a tale from a man who had retired from the war upon the mountain, but not the war within. Atop the peaks of Ellador stood a regiment of Dwarves and Orcs that kept close watch over the main entrance, just above the ballistas. It was a normally easy...
  3. GRIST_


    It has been two weeks since she has gotten back...and it had been the worst two weeks she had very seen in her short life. Over and over failure came, and over and over came disappointment. Not good enough. Because you're a female. Disgrace. Disgrace. Disgrace. The words ran through her mind...
  4. nightingalesweet

    A Way Like Hail

    Nancy was accustomed to the musty smell of her old home. Each creaking step caused a shake of memory; things around her rose like fire, fuzzy at the edges like heat blurred her vision. She ascended the staircase, a grip of foreboding come over her; just as her gloveless grip on the banister. She...