south dukelands

  1. Wumpatron

    Preserved Sheet Henri Kristoff Riviere

    Basic Information (Required) Full Name | Henri Kristoff Riviere His High Holiness Henri I Archbishop of the Archdiocese of the Stalwart Defender Age | 43 Gender | Male Race | Genevaud Ailor Sexuality | Celibate practicing Preferred Weapon | Prayer Skill Information (Required) Total Points...
  2. AntonVoron

    || The South Dukeland Oddity ||

    A Thesis on: Sovereignty, Pragmatism, Rights, & Defence By Richarr de la Rivíere. Music The plains of the South Dukelands are an avoided place for most wise merchants, caravans, or Hellatians making their way northward to our Empire’s heart. The steppes are of profound beauty, rolling and...