social gathering

  1. Local_Schnom

    Celebration of Reclamation

    Celebration of Reclamation ✦•······················•✦•······················•✦ The Count di Licatta, Dante Benedicto Salvatore, sponsored by the Court of the Duke of the Vultarin Hegemony, cordially invites to his personal Estate, the House of the rising Sun. Meant to celebrate the still...
  2. Anseran

    ❂ Sanar Vida | Estellian Triad ❂

    Formed in the Summer of 308 AC, The Sanar Vida organisation, or Estellian Triad, is a group formed of members of the Estel-worshipping races existing in Daen. The understanding between these races is a powerful testament to how peaceful coexistence exists in this world. It is for this reason...