
  1. C

    The Hand Of Silver

    The Hand of Silver, formally established in November of the year 306 AC, is a union of artisans dedicated to the preservation and further development of traditional Altalar craft in the Regalian Empire. Founded out of a necessity for an ordering of Est’alorn forgemasters and artisans within the...
  2. Caduceus_Clayy

    House Gahl'keli'math

    The Gahl'keli'math ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Basic Information: Name: Gahl'keli'math (Commonly shortened to Gahl). Pronounced Gall-kelly-math. Race: Maritime Altalar Symbol: A hammer and anvil Colors...
  3. OnyxXIII

    Falcon's Armory Seeking Craftsmen

    The Winslough Forge is seeking skilled craftsmen to man their Forge and create masterpieces. Craftsmen will be compensated amply for their skills and work. Dwarvish craftsmen are especially desired, though craftsmen of any race and walk of life are welcome to apply. Even those without the skills...