
  1. Wumpatron

    Altalar House Of Talaeth

    Family Motto (No one actually knows what it means, despite it being written on every piece of art, sculpture, and building in the families domain. No one has translated it, safe for the family head, who finds it joyfully amusing and painfully accurate.) Translation from Ancient Altalar |...
  2. Conspixuous

    Preserved Sheet Rhylo Murphy

    ⚒️ Basic Information ⚒️ Full Name: Rhylo Murphy Age: 45 Gender: Male Race: Shenath Kathar Sexuality: Heterosexual ⚒️ Skill Information ⚒️ Proficiency Points: 45 +10 Fast Blade Combat Skill (from Race) +15 Sailing Knowledge (from Points) +10 Unarmed Combat Skill (from Points) +15 Metallurgy...
  3. AntonVoron

    The Druzhina [ Champions Of Folosta ]

    Noble House Bolshekov Vladno Companions, & defenders “The Spirit is Vladno” The Druzhina charge the gates of an Elven stronghold during the war with Rie (circa 305AC.) ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ I - Introduction II - History III - Ranking IV - Glorious deeds V - Application form VI...
  4. S

    Declaration Of An Abolishment Of Nobility

    When in the Course of history, it becomes necessary for a people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with one another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's the Divine entitle them, a decent...