
  1. gnomery

    Skins + Art + Process Blogs - Ween Edition

    No idea how often I'll update this, but just want a place other than Discord 'cause things get lost easier there to post my stuff to the community. I don't feel like making a separate tutorial thread so walk-throughs and explanations will go here as well whenever I get asked to/ feel like it...
  2. essentialess

    Technical An Essentialess Skinning Walkthrough

    hi. - I decided to make a step-by-step walkthrough of my skinning process. As a whole, I just want to help people make quality skins in half the time. Not that it'll stop y'all pinging me for thotty outfits. Let's begin! •·················•·················• First off, I don't care what...
  3. candlemouse

    Technical Bunemma's Skinning Guide

    Hello there! I’ve been asked a handful of times how I skin, my tips, techniques, and whatever else in regards to my skinning. I’ve decided to sit down and compile my style into a guide, to aid those who’d like to know more. If you are going to be following this guide, I beg of you - take...
  4. soapboxstage

    Omg Huge Skinmaking Discovery! Frankenstein Shading!

    So I was thinking about this concept and it actually works! So here is how it works: 1. Make the base of the skin 2. Go to and find the "Blur" bar Blurr the skin 3. Find the "Pixelate" button just above and pixelate with the number "1" in the bar click...
  5. TrashCanFicus

    New Skinner In Town

    Greetings friends! So recently, I've been making alot of skins, learning how to make the better, doing things with them and touching stuff up, anyways, I have had some free time. So, why not do something with this skill? Which is why I've decided to start skinning for other people. While...