
  1. GrunklePeter

    The Roaring Maahes Fleet

    Summary: The Roaring Maahes Fleet was created in 308 AC by Rond'e Gamal to strengthen the Naval Community, unify a group that could serve in War, support the Regalian Empire’s Navy and do other odd jobs for various clients. With that said, the group now wants to put their name out there, while...
  2. Nathan

    A Demand From House Winslough

    A Demand from House Winslough of Ostlaukirchen to House Celyreos of Côte Plessis House Winslough demands that House Celyreos send their 8 000 troops and Single Ship to Ostlaukirchen immediately. From here House Winslough will place the Celyreos' troops under Winslough Commanders and send them...