
  1. Infinatum

    The Holy Days Of April

    The Verdun Sect of Unionism Presents: The Holidays and Reiher-tags of April Holidays Herztide: Monday, April 8th A minor festival in honor of the Spirit bringing about the end of Winter, where freshly grown flowers are handed out to a stranger, and often decorate fountains, benches, etc. Also...
  2. Infinatum

    Verdun Sect Of Unionism Registry

    This is simply a registry to account for those who follow the Sect for OOC and IC purposes. If you wish to declare your character as ICly a member of the Sect, you may do so. If you are noble and your family declares itself followers of the Sect, you may simply put your IGN and Family Name under...
  3. Infinatum

    Verdun Sect Of Unionism

    Verdun Sect of Unionism A Unionist sect originating from the forests of Dragenthal and Calemberg. It is a mixture of the Alt-Regalian and other Regalisch cultural norms. The Verdunists (the term for those who follow the Sect) are a largely homogeneous sect, and accepts those who are truly...
  4. Doc_Cantankerous

    Rathunassian Sect Of Unionism

    ____________________________________________________________________________ Rathunassian Sect of Unionism A Unionist sect originating from the highlands of Gallovia. It is a mixture of the Highland Ceardian cultural norms and the several waves of Anglian and Velheimer cultures mixing together...