
  1. FutureTeller

    Preserved Sheet The Malevolent Spirit

    Basic Information Full Name: Yerine'tehir "Salvador" Heln'velionesse Bel-Fyror Soli'iunthare'isia Short: Yerinthir "Salvador" Hevelioness Solunthareia Ailor version: Yerin Solunthreia The Malevolent Spirit Age: 39 (infected at 22) Gender: Agender (any pronouns) Race: Lesarra Altalar...
  2. KK134

    Preserved Sheet Paerallas Noreah

    Basic Information Full Name: Paerallas Ilon Noreah Age: 39 Gender: Male Race: Lesarra Altalar Sexuality: Books Preferred Weapon: Silence. Skill Information Total Points: 44 Core Points +12 Arcanology (Affliction, Arken, Artifact, and Essence) +6 Woodwind Instruments +5 Stealth Rogue Skill +2...
  3. Arhbi

    Lord Chancellor Delmotte: Third Edict

    By Official Decree of Lord Chancellor Delmotte 14 - 01 - 308 Article I - Civil Status Changes Article II - The State & Violet Order Article I - Civil Status Changes, After thoroughly reviewing State law, and guided with the advice of a trusted counsel, the Lord Chancellor has arrived at the...
  4. Carlit0o

    Notice From The Secretary Of The Southmark

    AUTHORITY: Approved by SECRETARY FOR THE SOUTHMARK Qar-Digmaan Cro-Zzhin Yaotl on August 16, 307 A.C. SUBJECT: General Update & Advisory Warnings DATE: August 16, 307 A.C. Act I So far there has been little to no harm brought by the Allar, Slizzar, or Marayan races as of Ministerial changes...
  5. Arhbi

    Secretary Of Finance - Education Subsidies

    From the Desk of the Secretary of Finance Effective Immediately Upon Publication Education Subsidy Scheme: After a review of the lordships in the Archipelago, the secretary of Finance has identified areas that would be most benefitted by an immediate introduction of increased resources for...
  6. Timisc

    The Heritage Office

    The Heritage Office is the office of the Secretary for the Heritage which is in charge of all non-Human policies; their rights, position, treatment, and so forth. The Secretary for the Heritage, currently Corsair Lord Kailu Frisque, has many duties within the Empire, generally within the city...
  7. Arhbi

    Secretary Of Finance - New Policies

    From the Desk of the Secretary of Finance Effective Immediately Upon Publication Management of State Finances 1. All expenditures by other secretaries must be directed through the Secretary of Finance, who will determine where the state's finances are best spent. 2. Upon request, the Secretary...
  8. Timisc

    Second Acts Of Heritage

    ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ Edicts by Secretary for the Heritage -May 28th, 307 AC- “Light steps go unheard whilst a heavy hand yields results and action.” -=- Rectifying Actions After the recent Heritage...
  9. Timisc

    First Acts Of Heritage

    ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ Edicts by Secretary for the Heritage -May 25th, 307 AC- “The act of an individual does not dictate the race at large but the act of many may.” -=- Word quickly spread amongst...