
  1. Jovee

    • Reunited •

    Atticus wheezed, the exhale shuddering and uneven. He gingerly rolled over onto his left side, cautious of the fresh wound that tore across his opposite shoulder, and his narrowed eyes sought out the two figures that had begun to retreat further into the wood. With blurred vision that only...
  2. Peekaboop

    The Unexpected

    *The Unexpected* Yet another beautiful day in the Regalian park, Melodina was on a local park bench, reading to herself as her niece and nephew were doing silly games among one another. The Auntie not paying much attention to the young lively couple noticed a very dirty, and ragged man...
  3. Peekaboop

    Rejections Guilt

    *Rejections Guilt* It was a beautiful, moonlit night and Melodina was looking through her things, and upon searching she found a letter that was neatly addressed to her with a curled style of writing. As soon as she saw the piece of paper, the woman glared intently at it; what was she doing...