roleplay family

  1. Nathan

    Blue Blood Noble Family House Norinn

    "We Hold The Wall" Overview House Culture: Gallovian House Religion: Unionism/Old Gods House Seat: Sturnworth Castle, Penfork House Title Level: County House Colors: Forest Green, Black, Silver House Motto: "We Hold The Wall" House Values: Loyalty, Perseverance, House Political Stance...
  2. Chrothic

    The Mcnabb Famlee

    The Family is very, VERY un-common. Hiya folks! Welcom t thuh mcnabb famlee! Name: McNabb Sigil: "Whats a sigil? Tommy Lee! Can ye' tell me what a si-j-uhll is?" Motto: "Don't rob people!" Colors: "Uhh, blue I guess. Like the wa'er" Family culture: Culture? Well, they gots one thats for sure...
  3. TalkChat

    House Ekaaten - Velheim Family

    Family Name: House Ekaaten. Family Wealth: 5/10 (Commoner Status), Family Culture: Velheim. Family Origin: Holbaek, Tryllejag within the North Belt. Famly Motto: "I det mindste lever jeg." (At least I'm living). House Trade: Mostly farming, though guardwork amongst the house is very prevelent...
  4. Ailethi

    House Caladwen

    "Alone we stand, alone we shall prosper." |Race:| Altalar mixed with Avanthar. |Culture:| Primarily Elvish |Status:| Middle Class Status |Colors:| Dark Olive, Light Gray, and Gold |Values:| Family, Honor, Fortune, Legacy |Trade:| Artwork, weaponry, along with produce Family Visuals |Male...