
  1. Scribbe

    Altalar House Of Rhylovhas

    Altalar House of Rhylovhas Speak Only Truth General Information Etymology: The name “Rhylovhas” is a shortened form of the Middle Altalar surname “Rhyluetherelväyas”, which roughly translates to “tender of the moon’s grove”. Values: Teledden Altalar superiority, magical strength, accruement...
  2. canaaa

    Preserved Sheet Rhoen Rhylovhas

    Basic Information ✧ Full Name: Rhoen Rhylovhas ✧ Age: 72 ⋆ Born June 21, 235 AC ✧ Gender: Male ✧ Race: Central Altalar ✧ Sexuality: Unsure Skill Information Total Points: 70 points to spend, 70 from age- capped at 70. ✧ +30 Alchemy Sciences (+30 from Points) ✧ +29 Parlor Magic (+29 from...