
  1. Nathan

    Representative Assembly Of Cultures

    Wanting your ideas to be heard and to better improve your community? Are you interested in collaborating with fellow peers of your own cultural background on various topics? This is a public lobby which brings you exactly that. Founded in the Spring of 308 AC by Assembly Chairman and Genevaud...
  2. V

    Archived X

  3. Rinus

    Rinus's Art/worldbuilding Fiasco

    Literally Me. Y'know, sometimes you just need one art thread that you continually update. Other times, you sit down and make your seventh. This is one of those other times. I'm Rinus! I'm a student illustrator and I've been around massivecraft on and off for the last 6 or so years, and in that...
  4. SanguinePacman

    Calcium Fishes

    So, whilst I was making a would be character, I noticed something. Or rather, realized something mildly interesting. Maiar adapt to their surroundings quite easily. Diets varying in many ways, but-- Imagine if say, a Maiar with a most bone based diet. Had a sort of scaling made out of bone...