
  1. Magivore

    Behold, Howlester's Monsters

    GLORY BE TO THE SOLIFUGAE. EDUCATION. LIBERATION. 》》DOMINATION.《《 PERFECTION. High from the black heavens, beyond the grey clouds and deep within the inky sky, a hum of wicked potential rolls through the land. At first, its source is unknown, but it is soon answered by booming mortars roaring...
  2. Karthadon

    Down With The Empire By Aeliana Keltin

    OOC Note: This is entirely IC and I have no ill feelings towards anyone A message is written on a piece of parchment posted on the bounty board at Greygate. It starts out written in common. The rest is written in Modern Altalar. "Am not good in common. Will write the rest in Altalar. I will...
  3. Magivore

    Concerning Phantasma And Mind Control

    As the afternoon drove on with the increasing coldness from the harvest season, papers would begin to line the Regalian city during the peak hours of city activity. It's clear no printing press was used, as each paper was individually cut, and separately written, with varying levels of neatness...
  4. NebulaePrimo

    The Thorn Company's Secret Orders

    There once was a message here, but it's been torn to pieces. In its place is a small piece of paper that reads: "you can't hide forever"
  5. Nudibronch

    Elven War Posters

    A few colorful posters would sway idly in the evening breeze, bearing the Rosendahl sigil. Pinned to various notice boards and passed about taverns, the bold lettering and vivid hues were sure to catch a few eyes as the Regalian citizenry went about their day. ♬♪♬♪
  6. Magivore

    Hightower Crime Statistics

    The Year of Our Lord, 306 AC, May 7th The sun was high in the sky, the clouds were thin, and the breeze was as gentle as ever. It was no secret that summer weather was on its way, nor was it a secret that the city was roaring back to life as merchants finally found the lack of frigid air better...
  7. Nudibronch

    Zerlo Posters

    A few placards would drift in the autumn breeze, their dark ink and notable size certain to catch a glance o two.
  8. Nudibronch

    Wartime Posters

    A few colorful posters would sway idly in the evening breeze. Pinned to various notice boards and passed about taverns, the bold lettering and vivid hues were sure to catch a few eyes as the Regalian citizenry went about their day. ♬♪♬♪
  9. DrFong

    Fongco© Pneumatic Militia & Other Imaginings

    I've been inspired lately and doing some adapted propaganda posters for the current Regalian conflict. I've been sort of scattering them around on the forums, but thought I should make a place to keep them all together. Above is a poster I put together for the "FongCo© Pneumatic Militia", a...