
  1. Oblivaify

    Pending Review Custom Food Models for Pancakes or Waffles

    Dependent on the outcome of the Poll (which is a reply to this thread indicating Pancakes or Waffles) create a custom model for the winner. Poll closes in 24 hours.
  2. Sujitation

    Guard Popularity

    Hello all! Before the reformation of the guards, there is one thing left that I would want resolved… Who is Regalia's favorite guard? There are paper slips below that you may write down the guardsman's name. The votes will be counted and announced after three days. ⊲ One vote per person. ⊲...
  3. openpit

    Pacifism Modifier - Opinion

    Just thought that since everybody is starting from square one, this topic is worthy of a civil discussion.
  4. Jack_Castle

    Poll: Slummer & Gangster Players; For Or Against Limitations On Heavy Armor In The Slums?

    The Conversation Thus Far: A debate revolving around whether or not criminals in the slums ought to be wearing heavy armor has been going on the Crime General Skype for a few days now. Armor such as but not limited to, Full Plate Armor*, Half Plate Armor**, and Quarter Plate Armor***,(These...
  5. Rochelle_

    Seeking Musicians!

    House dei Orazio ...would like to formally announce that they are actively searching for anyone with any musical talent. These skills are needed for a future event, and we would like to know if the citizens of Regalia actually show interest in the event. Take a flyer! Pass it on! Let the...
  6. JDgoldvox

    Which Blocks Work Well?

    I've been having trouble deciding which blocks I should make my PvP base out of, please leave suggestions and leave me some pattern ideas, remember this Pvp base will also have a nice town! :D
  7. Manatee_

    Favorite Interracial Couples Of Massivecraft

    Who are YOUR favorite interracial couples of massivecraft? Please tell us in the comments below so I can add it to the poll. because tbh i only know ztril and niantha even tho they BROKE UP ok @Eyrok @Eccetra @DrunkFailure please write the characters' full names out ok thank you
  8. Legoclub22

    Youtube Channel, What Should It Be?

    Hoi! Tis I, Lego of Club the Twenty Second! I'm thinking about making a YouTube channel, and putting out some videos! What kind should I make? Preferably Minecraft, or another game I'm comfortable with/good at. I've got a poll up there listing a few ideas, so go ahead and cast your vote! If...