
  1. cosmoons

    The Fickle Things - Issue 2

  2. P

    The Untold Guardian

    The Untold Guardian Shine brightly for all those who walk that trail at Night. Be the guardian of scared Children and wary Travelers. Ward away villainous people whom might otherwise attack in the Dark. When he who steps into the Night feels fear for the Unknown, stand Strong. When the sky...
  3. joglak

    Tick - Tock

    Tick-Tock Time will never cease. As time, for me, may never stop. I tap my fingers upon the mahogany counter top While the ticking of my pocket watch echoes in my ears, I do combat. As do the steps of a maid, soldier, or a simple working man, As does the flapping of a dragon's wings rather than...
  4. K

    Soldaten Liebhaber

  5. TrashCanFicus

    Be Nice, Be Kind

    One day, in her Bakery, Ke'wince was cleaning and a poem came to her, though nothing written. It came from her mind, her words came out fluidly and with passion and filled with creativity. Anyone passing by could hear her words through the quiet and warm evening. When I was younger, a child...
  6. SpinSpinDizzy

    A Poem For None; Fair Rose.

    "Fair rose, Fair rose, How I admire thee. How if I could, I would pick ye. But the gardner high, and the bee low, Would spite me. For your beauty is forbidden, And admiration ridden. A gate around you, And cuffs around me. How could this be?"
  7. Miss_Confined

    Little Bear's Battlecry

    ((Please excuse the terrible title. I wrote this battle cry and I really was kinda proud and wanted to share. Not sure if it'd go here. Stay tuned because I may sing this if I can work up the courage. <3)) Elizabeth sat down quietly in the corner of one of the rooms of Fort Kronau, with paper...