
  1. rimacutem

    Preserved Sheet Mateo

    Full Name: Mateo el Barrio-Bajo ahora Regalia Diaz Age: 14 Gender: male Race: Daen Ailor Sexuality: Hetero Preferred Weapon: Dagger Increased prof: Dexterous Inventory Information (Optional) Sling Dagger Mother's gilded necklace Tuba Skill Information (Required) Total Points: 14+5=19...
  2. V

    Preserved Sheet Florianne Gris

    ( l a ☾ p н a l è n e ) "insects are living metaphors for me. they are so alien and so remote and so perfect, but also they are emotionless, they don't have any human or mammalian instincts. they'll eat their young at the drop of a hat - there's no empathy." - guillermo del toro ♬ Basic...
  3. FeyWitches

    Preserved Sheet Xiang'pa Sûn

    ❇Xian'Pa Sûn❇ {"P-p-plea', I 'ever mea't a'ything by i'."} Basic Info Name: Xiang'Pa Sûn. She prefers to be called Pai Age: Nineteen years of age. Gender: Her gender is female. Race: Chien-ji Main Ambition: Take where winds carry her, probably to open her own inn, or tavern. Visual Info...