
  1. SnashuuPomaymay

    Pet Posters Anonymous!

    Do you have pets you love and adore? Do you want to show everyone how adorable they are? Do you have no where to do it? Do it here! At Pet Posters Anonymous, feel free to show off the animals you love and adore! Cats, dogs, lizards, all different kinds of cute winged and four legged pets and...
  2. Sujitation

    The Cat's Meow

    The Cats Meow A standardized pet shop for all your pets needs and wants! No longer shall you be alone, buy a pet of your choosing whether it be cute, witty, or outrageous all to your own preference! ~ The Cats Meow is a pet store that provides both companionship through various species and...
  3. Eccetra

    Archived Flywater In Regalia (+pets!)

    Hello all! I'm not sure if this has been requested before, but would it be possible to enable flywater only in Regalia? To my knowledge it was only removed because of the PVP benefits, and there is no PVP to be had in Regalia. Since its removal I've noticed a huge decrease in Maiar players due...