
  1. Beowulfthecool

    Iris Gold: An Essay On Goverment And An Apology

    Throughout the city of Regalia, a collection of twenty dozen handwritten pamphlets were placed. mainly under benches and a few places in the streets protected from the snow. "To begin this written essay, which as always is written for both mind and tongue, I wish to issue an apology and...
  2. R

    A Public Condemnation Of The Horrid Acts By Vicious Heretics

    In light of the capture of Icarus Albatross and the bloodied arm posted with it's note, a pamphlet would find its way into the streets. It would not do so in the normal ways, but instead would be crammed under doors, stuffed into nooks and crannies, deposited on and under park benches or slipped...
  3. ElderShrub

    Pamphlet: How To Grow Vegetables

    Across the city citizens and non-citizens alike would find the following pamphlet pinned to notice boards and other areas. It's slightly earthy appearance marking it apart from the delicate essays and other notices. To the people of Regalia. It is easy now, with war upon us and many stripped...