ordial cultist

  1. KrakenLord01

    Played Character Barivoc Salvatore

    Character Information Full Name: Barivoc Ice-Tusk Heritage / Culture: Dwarf Age: 40 Gender / Pronouns: Male Core Concept Malek is a Dwarven arms merchant who decided to become a figure in Regalia's Undercity. He was born in Ellador and lightly maintains his Fornoss faith, though ultimately...
  2. JuliaFaye

    Shelved Character Caoineag

    Name: Caoineag Heritage: Mystech - Unbound Spirit Age: Unknown Gender: Demon (it/its) Occult: Ordial Shade Caoineag is an Ordial Shade, once part of The Hateful. Its purpose is to sew discord among the living, and bring more into the fold of the dead - or death cultists...
  3. JuliaFaye

    Played Character Samara

    Name: Samara Heritage/Culture: Bene Rexit Isldar, half-Teledden Age: 172 Gender/Pronouns: girl Occult: Geist, Ordial Soul Mage Samara, like most Bene Rexit, is a fervent Glacial cultist. She seeks control over the souls of the dead and over the Undead, in order to see Malefica dethroned and...
  4. Caduceus_Clayy


    Across the city over the last few months many posters have been put up for those escaping during the last occupation. This one however still remains even after so many others where taken down and dealt with. A fugitive that has fallen through the cracks since then with the many other troubles...