
  1. RookieMelody

    The Calling Out Of Wulf E. Grofsmid

    Wulf E. Grofsmid, Leader of Deathsbane Milita, Or if I should even call you that, a better word to fit you is a coward. I have witnessed many of your shortcomings and one I see stand the most is your Cowardice and Arrogance to the actions around you. You call that you will fight for your...
  2. DrHasagi

    Bounty Hunter: Sei'ha

    ((These fliers would be posted around the sewers/Crookback, Old Town, as well as New Town)) Citizen of the surface? Dweller of the sewers and Crookback? Wherever you reside, I do not care. --- Got bad blood against someone? Don't have the skills or time to fight them yourself? Need someone to...
  3. Yurs

    Public Denouncement Of The Crookback Council

    Plastered high and low across noticeboards throughout Crookback, an 'official' edict would be pinned for all of the criminal underworld to witness: "Based upon the actions of the freshly founded Crookback Militia, who have already abused their position to extort our people, the Kaahl Sarnai...
  4. Mollymock

    Premiere Performace

    [A notice would be found pinned across notice boards in Old Town by individuals dressed head to toe in what could only be described as armoured clown costumes.] [The paper would be kept in nigh-pristine condition, minus a few creases obtained during transmit. Each wore a wax seal, bearing the...