
  1. Eccetra

    Preserved Sheet Sister Astrid

    • Full Name: Concilly Sister Astrid Blanchet • Birth Name: Astrid de la Ruelle • Age: 62 years • Gender: Female • Race: Ailor | Archan Lineage • Culture: Leutz-Vixe • Sexuality: Straight • Preferred Weapon: Union Blessings ╔⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤┛ ✞┗⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤╗ ╚⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤┓ ✞┏⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤╝ •...
  2. ZeeAtlas

    Preserved Sheet Eveleine Desreumaux

    || Basic Information Name: Eveleine Yvrize Desreumaux Age: 23 ⎔ Birthday: December 4th, 285 A.C Gender: Female Race: Brannon Ailor Preferred Weapon: Kite Shield and Morningstar Mace || Skill Information ⎔ Total Points: 28 (+10 Talent) (+10 Hobby) (3 Free Points) Core ⎔ +8 One-Hand Blunt...
  3. KK134

    Preserved Sheet Margaret Henriche | Mother Of Mercy

    Basic Information Common Name: Margaret Henriche Braggan Name: Margarida do Relicário D'Ithanie Name: Marguerite Henriette Aoûte Solaire Du Reliquaire Age: 64 Gender: Female Race: Ithanian Archan Lineage Ailor (With heavy Bragacao Influences) Sexuality: Strictly Celibate Face Claim: Angela...
  4. Granolas

    Preserved Sheet Emily Troisieme

    ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ╓━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╨━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╖ ╙━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╥━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╜ "We need to pray, now. And whatever happens, whatever you may see or hear, keep your eyes forward and don’t stop praying." ◈Sister Oana, God Ends Here◈...
  5. KK134

    A Mother's Guidance

    Spirit's greetings and blessings upon the people of the holy empire. In this season of cold and frost we warm ourselves by the hearth and share stories among our family. With this time of guidance and love my sisters and I have seen fit to share some of our insights and guidance regarding this...
  6. KK134

    To Heal And To Help

    The Nonnatean Order has long devoted itself to the care and guidance of the children of the Spirit. To better aid, the children of the Spirit in their endeavors the Regalian chapter of the Nonnatean Order has decided to offer its services in the organization of a proper funeral and burial for...
  7. KK134

    Preserved Sheet Margaret Henriche | Mother Of Mercy

    Basic Information Full Name: Margaret Henriche(Hen-rick) (Adopted upon entry into the Nonnatean Order) Verbal Adress: "Revered Mother"(more formal) or "Mother"(less formal) Age: 64 Gender: Female Race: Colonial Ailor Sexuality: Strictly Celibate Face Claim: Angela Lansbury Theme: Ave...