
  1. Nathan

    Blight Relief Association

    Blight Relief Association The Blight Relief Association is a collaboration of clinics, volunteer aid workers, and private physicians funded or backed by Houses Kreiburg, de Piedmont (along with branches Wulfmacht and Valitorp), and Vyzal, dedicated to combating the recent Blight outbreak...
  2. Hell0There

    Regalian Union For Medics And Apothecary.

    Regalian Union for Medics and Apothecary Who We Are The Regalian Union for Medics and Apothecary is a Union, a group of like minded people who wish to advance and progress our knowledge and our prowess in Regalia, ones who band together to progress Medical knowledge. It is society that will...
  3. Suzzie

    Victoria's Valiant | Violet Order Chapter

    Victoria’s Valiant, named for the heron of nurses, is one of the many chapters of the Violet Order, serving as first aid for wounded guards and civilians alike. Established in 307 AC by the Lord Commander William Howlester, the chapter was a response to an increasing need for for medical...
  4. Messtro

    Aurelius Manus

    Overview The Aurelius Manus is a group driven in assisting the noble peerage as well as commoners alike in healing and helping them. They focus on medical practice and working along with local alchemists along with other and more surgical healing techniques. Individuals will be able to apply for...