malcolm lowe

  1. Testlo

    Lowe's Municipal Detective Agency

    “Vice may triumph for a time, crime may flaunt its victories in the face of honest toilers, but in the end, the law will follow the wrong-doer to a bitter fate, and dishonour and punishment will be the portion of those who sin.” “An illustration of two partnering Lowe Agents consulting on a...
  2. Testlo

    Moi | Decree No. 001 & Decree No. 002

    THE FOLLOWING HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE MINISTRY OF TRUTH It is with great pleasure that we announce that Minister Malcolm Lowe has awoken from his coma and will be returning to his position as Minister of Information. We are grateful for the support and well wishes that have been sent his way...
  3. Testlo

    D10310ac - Minister Lowe Assassination Attempt

    12. 10. 310AC Attention citizens, On the evening of December 10, 310AC, Minister Malcolm Mallory Lowe was shot during his speech by an unknown shooter. The Office of the Ministry of Information will not release the condition of the Minister at this time. We are urging any members of the...
  4. Testlo

    Ministry Of Information Propaganda Poster #1

    <Posters start flooding the streets in numbers as public servants start gluing up posters all across the City.>