
  1. Caelamus

    Played Character Stratagos

    Basic Information Name: Stratagos. Race: Mech Automata, Made from Leytech. Created by: Unknown, Maintained by Asim-Sadiki. Age: Unknown. Gender: He/Him pronouns preferred. Occult: N/A. Core Concept Stratagos is a technological artificial life form that was built to fulfill certain tasks and...
  2. Caelamus

    Played Character Yalnu

    Name: Yalnu. Race: Mystech, Mech Automata. Age: Unknown. Gender: N/A, He/Him Pronouns. Occult: N/A. Yalnu's original image was a benign golem type character who represents the concept of gradual decay and the slow creeping return of nature whenever civilization stops flourishing in a...
  3. ezalB

    Played Character Blocky

    / / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - / / Basic Information ⇶Identification Details →Unit Model: CA.7:14864 ‘Kulvaar’ (‘Personal Protector’, ‘Protector Guards-You’) →Unit ID: QO.3.12:1 →Registered Unit Nicknames: “Blocky”, >>[!Registered by user:Llunciia] ⇶Heritage |...
  4. Caelamus

    Shelved Character Gamma

    Basic Information Full Name: Gamma. Race: Livingmetal Automaton. Age: Barely a year. Gender/Pronoun: Male representing, he/him, or they/them. Occult: N/A, Gamma is a machine. Creator: Ra'rojiira. Core Concept Some years ago during an incident occurred while their creator, Ra’rojiira’ was...
  5. yuomr/jason

    Preserved Sheet Aidyn Sarkis

    Basic Information Full Name: Aidyn Sarkis Age: Unknown Gender: Male Race: Qadir/Mechwalker Sexuality: Homosexual (Probably) Core Concept: A technician from a long time ago who perished and had their personality downloaded and installed into a machine. He is a faithful Unionist despite his...
  6. NZ_Nix

    Preserved Sheet Daryush Bayt-safavi

    ┏༺༻━━━━━━━━༺༻༺༻━━━━━━━━༺༻┓ ┗༺༻━━━━━━━━༺༻༺༻━━━━━━━━━༺༻┛ Full Name: Daryush Abu-Sadiqe ibn Ahmad ibn Hammad Ahl al-Bayt-Safavi Race: Qadir - Scripters Age: 42 Years Old Sex: Male Eye Color: Sandstone Qadir Familiar: Pip Guided by Esrah Alwattah, Daryush has all but given up on any ‘true’...
  7. booette

    Player Progression Story In The Bowels Of The Holy City

    OOC Info: This is a Storyweb based off the actions of the Kathar. This should be taken as an inclusion to the Storyweb progressions, and a set up for roleplay to be had in-game for the Kathar's members and outsiders who are interested. The signup for Storyweb Groups can be found here. Rumors...