
  1. Cirenety

    Preserved Sheet Noel Levarie

    Basic Information Full Name: Noel Michelle Levarie Age: 33 Gender: Female Race: Ailor- Ithanian - Citoye Main Ambition: Stable wealth for the family name, and happiness for her family. Visual Information Eye Color: Baby Blue Hair Color: Honey Blonde Hair Style: Long wavy hair...
  2. Cirenety

    House Levarie

    Noble House Levarie Members; @Cirenety, @The_DarkKnight_, @skullpanda90, @Heaven_of_ash, @Gartono, @GoldenAisles, @Completely_Evan, @DrDrago, @GrimDeValhalla, and @NeilAucoin. General Information: Nationality: Ithanian - Citoye - Ailor House Religion: Unionism although the Levarie family...