
  1. onlyathot

    House Du Roserei

  2. KK134

    The Imperial Times | Fashion Issue #1

    Saturday, 6 June, 308 AC - 2 Regals - Special Issue On Fashion and Styles within Current Events ~6 June, 308~ By: Sir Merdoc Slumberwood, Chief Fashion Correspondent. Due to the decline of all existing Ithanian houses within the imperial city and souring relations with the...
  3. Yigit

    Preserved Sheet Aleksei Peirgarten

    ╔══════════════════【♖】══════════════════╗ ╚══════════════════【♖】══════════════════╝ Ser Aleksei Peirgarten Knight of the Viridian Order “Ehre ist die Seele” Basic Information (Required) Full Name: Aleksei Peirgarten. Age: 23 years old. Gender: Male. Race: Leutz-Vixe Ailor, Drahl Lineage...
  4. Wumpatron

    Preserved Sheet ⚜ Charles Lothaire ⚜

    ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ "Honorable men are labelled monsters when the dishonorable men rule" ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ Basic Information (Required) Full Name | Charles Lothaire | Charles the...
  5. Wumpatron

    Preserved Sheet Caedric The Black

    Basic Information (Required) Full Name | Caedric the Black Age | 35 Gender | Male Race | Ailor Sexuality | Null Preferred Weapon | Teeth and Dagger Skill Information (Required) Total Points | 35 + 15 = 50 +40 | Unarmed Combat Skill (Culture | Ailor Boost) +15 | Athletic Training +5 |...
  6. Nudibronch

    A Word

    Tracing the rim of his mug with an index finger, Jamie continued to stare at the journal before him, its pages clogged with scratches and stains and thoughts and notions and ideas. It was a product of his brief bout of flu; something to keep the boredom at bay, to keep his mind awake at times...
  7. Mooffins

    Preserved Sheet Xavier Ravenstad

    Xavier Witteric Ravenstad Spotify Playlist Basic Information Full Name: Xavier Witteric Ravenstad Age: 27 Gender: Male Race: Leutz-Vixe Ailor Main Ambition: Power and Security Special Permission: N/A Basic Information (Expansion) Xavier is the Duke of the Hinterlands, and the first...
  8. Mooffins

    House Ravenstad

    Picture of Lake du Lyon, nestled on the Brissiaud-Dragenthal border. I've released this revitalized lore in piecemeal rather than completely finished, because it's still better uncompleted than the old lore was with its inaccuracy and whatnot. This will be expanded and added onto until it's...