
  1. Scribbe

    Proclamation Ii Of The Secretary For The Magi: Revisions

    From the Desk of the Secretary for the Magi A Proclamation 21st of September, 307AC A Revision of Legalities In light of recent discoveries and actions among the Magically-inclined populace of the Empire, a revised set of legalities regarding racial abilities, Magical powers, and other...
  2. Yigit

    The Ironspire Regiment

    The Ironspire Regiment was formally established in the year of 307AC, on the day of 19th of February, under the commandership of Lord Rodrigo Peirgarten, officialized with the approval seal of Lord Commander William Howlester. The Ironspire Regiment is a law enforcement charter, handling the...
  3. Doc_Cantankerous

    Unity Through Devotion, Strength Through Unity.

    Nailed to the doorway of every cathedral, church, and chapel from Daendroc to Drixagh, from Ithania to Rivellia, is the following note, printed in the local language and Common alike. Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Union. These past days have brought a dark cloud over our glorious Empire...