lady black's almshouse and refuge

  1. Miss_Confined

    Lady Black's Almshouse And Refuge: A Missive To The Public

    Theme To all citizens of Regalia, welcome to the Almshouse. It is our goal to provide the populace with a safe and stable environment for the citizens to go to escape the cold and darkness of alleyways and side-streets. We work towards uniting the people of Regalia in good faith and generosity...
  2. Miss_Confined

    A Missive From Lady Black's Almshouse And Refuge On The Vampire Crisis

    The following fliers would be posted around the city and near the Hidden Dragon neutrality point: As the threats of vampirism plague our dear city, the Almshouse would like to remind all citizens in need that our doors are open during this time of conflict. The Almshouse urges all people of...
  3. Miss_Confined

    Lady Black's Almshouse And Refuge

    Opening their doors once again to bring light and warmth to the people, Lady Black's Almshouse and Refuge welcomes all who are in need of a roof over their head and food on the table. Dedication to the well-being of the populace has been repeatedly proven by the organization's past work through...
  4. Miss_Confined

    Lady Black's Almshouse And Refuge: Looking To Hire Staff!

    In need of a job? Then this is the opportunity for you! Lady Black's Almshouse and Refuge is searching for two staff members to assist in the watch and care of the almshouse's residents. Those who accept the job must adhere to the rules as caretakers and do an interview with Countess...