
  1. ezalB

    Combat Guild The Longmaws

    What is a Longmaw? In the Hadarian Allar’s ancient, and long lost home of Sendras, there exists a predator of the highest order, known as the Long Maw Saurian. This titanic creature reflects a number of virtues which many Allar across the post-Civil War diaspora seek to emulate, partially, as a...
  2. PresentMediator

    Qar-digmaan Yaotl Jogro

    Digmaan Cro-Yaotl is an Allar Digmaan headed by Cro-Zzhin Yaotl, the Digmaan’s founder and head. It’s history is brief, as it was only founded following the beginning of the Chrysant War though its roots can be traced to the now defunct Digmaan Cro-Tecpatl, which was the Digmaan of the Cro-Allar...