
  1. MapTuness


    Hi There! My name is MapTuness, but please call me by Map. I'm 16 and I really enjoy playing Minecraft. I also really like roleplaying, I've roleplayed since 2019, so I feel I have some experience! I'm also in the process of writing a book, though it is going slowly. ;^; But anyways, I go by...
  2. Spectra82

    Arriving To Regalia!

    Hello everyone!! I'm Spectra, and I’ve finally decided to stop beating around the bush and join the server. I’ve been thinking about joining a RP server for quite a while now, but always ended up deciding against it, thinking that I would just mess things up and make rp slow and boring for...
  3. SirMcArthur

    An Incredibly Late Introduction

    needlessly long introduction incoming. Hoi, my name is Arthur and I have been on and off with the massivecraft community for awhile, hence why my account's join date ranges back to 2019 (and I think I have been around even before that.) But due to my inexperience, inactivity and overall time...
  4. nejirehadou


    I wanted to come on here and introduce myself to the Massivecraft community! My name is Minerva, I used to play Massivecrat here and there, but I wasn't too committed to it. Although I decided to come back and explore the lore and roleplay once again on the server in more depth. I'm excited to...
  5. Callarson_

    Heyo Everyone

    Hello Everyone, My name is Callarson and I am a YouTube Streamer and a Twitch Streamer, on YouTube my handle is Callarson but on Twitch it is Callarson_ and I hope that I can make a few friends on this faction server. I love making people laugh and entertaining them with my game play, so if you...
  6. chocorett0

    Hello There

    hello. the name's rett0, chocorett0. this is probably my seventh reappearance in this beautiful forum. since i'm basically fresh off the boat again, i'm hoping to get in touch with more people! if anybody's interested, please msg me if you want to roleplay or just be friends
  7. WC_Fish

    _xwxcx_ (aka. Fish_with_no_name, Aka. Doctor_fishstix)

    Hi! I'm _xWxCx_ but my main which I can't access at the time of this post is Doctor_Fishstix. My discord name is Fish_with_no_name. I am an experienced role player, writer, and world builder. I have also had nominal experience as a game master. My two favorite things to do are build and...
  8. R

    A Random Demon Has Appeared!

  9. deldoglover

    Hi I’m Deldoglover

    Hi I’m deldoglover! I have played this server for 5-6 months, and I am the co-leader of the currently largest faction on the server, 43 members at this point, Tanith. I like to help people, trade, and build. I also love to sell animals so message me ingame if you want to buy. I love massive and...
  10. stoverogers

    Preserved Sheet Ruvaen Presroris, Complete

    ┏━━━━━━⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ᴍᴇᴇᴛ ʀᴜᴠᴀᴇɴ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀━━━━━━━┓ ┗━━━━━━━⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ᴍᴇᴇᴛ ʀᴜᴠᴀᴇɴ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀━━━━━━━┛ » DESIGNATION⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ɢɪᴠᴇɴ ᴛɪᴛʟᴇ|ruvaen boesson ⠀⠀ɴɪᴄᴋɴᴀᴍᴇs|currently none ⠀⠀ɴᴏᴛᴀʙʟᴇ ᴀʟɪᴀsᴇs|son of boesson, half-breed ⠀⠀ᴘʀᴇғᴇʀʀᴇᴅ ᴘʀᴏɴᴏᴜɴs|he・him・himself...
  11. taintedly

    Itsa Me,,, Spamano

    hi there folks I made an introduction ages ago but hey I'm bored so why the hell not amiright I've been on Massive since last January officially, but,,, I honestly joined to test the vampire plugin out for a (fAILED) Innistrad server I was planning to make. I've only actually been here since...
  12. ThatWhaleFriend

    A Friendly Introduction

    Hi! My IGN is ThatWhaleFriend which is why I found the title very appropriate. I'm a Hispanic girl born in Puerto Rico but living in the US and I speak English and Spanish fluently. I have gotten into roleplaying recently and decided to get on this server to meet new people and have fun. I like...
  13. saltyboi

    A Hopefully Not Awkward Hello

    Breathes. Hello all, I am a normal teenage girl who is living a completely normal life in the insanely proud and maybe-a-bit-on-a-downwards-trend United States of America. I'll try to not bore you with this hopefully not awkward introduction. Key word: I'll try. To me, every formal...
  14. AtticCat

    Hello From Cat Of The Attic

  15. YouDontKnowJack

    Introduction By A Semi-insane Socially Awkward Nerd

    Hai there. I have posted an introduction before but I realize some it didn't introduce /me/, Jack, it introduced YouDontKnowJack. Does that make sense? Probably not because like I said in the title I'm crazy. Anyway, on to the introduction. Hi, I'm Jack, or as some may know me...
  16. The_RoadWarrior

    Introduction Thing Okay

    Alright you primitive screwheads listen up. I thought I'd write some stuff on here for two reasons. Firstly, I'm bored and second because I thought it would be fun to introduce myself. I'm from the pretentious capital of the world known as California and I want to get out as soon as possible...
  17. L

    Hello, I Need A Little Help!

    Hi, I'm brand new to MassiveCraft and am interested in RP. There's only one problem, I have never done it before!! I love the idea of exploring a new world as a new person and am looking for some guidance. Someone who can help me create a character and guide me through the starting process. I...
  18. ThatBurningFox

    I Enter In A Torrent Of Fire

    Ignore the edgy title, I've used it for years. Regardless, though, hello! I'm ThatBurningFox, otherwise TheRealBurningFox, Burning-Fox or... various other fire and fox related combinations across the internet. I'm not exactly that much of a big deal around MassiveCraft but I was recommended to...
  19. ArtificialYogurt

    Hi There

    Hi there, my name is Ryan and I've been looking around for a Minecraft server that had a good sense of role play, because I absolutely love role play, and I think that I have found the server that I have been looking for, this one. I'm very new but I'm liking the server a lot so far and look...
  20. YouDontKnowJack

    You Should Know Jack

    Hi, everyone! I'm YouDontKnowJack, but read this thread, and you will know Jack! (I'm done using that joke, I swear). My name is Jack, and I joined Massive in December 2014. I started out with PariahFolk in Shaolin with the name FalconMaster12, but I quickly left and started my own fac...