introducing me

  1. MapTuness


    Hi There! My name is MapTuness, but please call me by Map. I'm 16 and I really enjoy playing Minecraft. I also really like roleplaying, I've roleplayed since 2019, so I feel I have some experience! I'm also in the process of writing a book, though it is going slowly. ;^; But anyways, I go by...
  2. Zorod

    Hello World, I'm Zorod

    Hello there, I am Zorod (Knight_Zorod in Minecraft), I have played Minecraft since 2011, the Beta 1.3 update. I played this game almost religiously until around 2015/2016 when I went off to play other games. Due to that, I am not very up to date with the game itself but I am feeling the sense...
  3. deldoglover

    Hi I’m Deldoglover

    Hi I’m deldoglover! I have played this server for 5-6 months, and I am the co-leader of the currently largest faction on the server, 43 members at this point, Tanith. I like to help people, trade, and build. I also love to sell animals so message me ingame if you want to buy. I love massive and...
  4. H

    Hi :d ... Again Xd

    Hi I'm John (TheHeroThief) ((not Hero_of_Origins anymore lol)) and I guess you could call me a returning player, but that would not be quite right, I haven't been on since at least 2014 and even then i think it was only for a few months I was a really different person back then, still had a lot...
  5. ThatWhaleFriend

    A Friendly Introduction

    Hi! My IGN is ThatWhaleFriend which is why I found the title very appropriate. I'm a Hispanic girl born in Puerto Rico but living in the US and I speak English and Spanish fluently. I have gotten into roleplaying recently and decided to get on this server to meet new people and have fun. I like...
  6. Messtro

    Nesstro The Nerd Queen Says Hello

    Hello hello nerds of Massivecraft! Anyone who reads this is offically a nerd. I am finally doing an introduction, wowie. I am a rather normal roleplayer in the massivecraft world. However I am more than just a roleplayer, I am nerd queen. I have been on massivecraft for probably six months at...