
  1. Testlo

    Ministry Of Information Propaganda Poster #2

    <Posters start flooding the streets in numbers as public servants start gluing up posters all across the City.>
  2. Testlo

    Ministry Of Information Propaganda Poster #1

    <Posters start flooding the streets in numbers as public servants start gluing up posters all across the City.>
  3. Testlo

    Government Guild Ministry Of Information

  4. Testlo

    Ministry Of Information Broadrelay

    ATTENTION CITIZEN./ ATTENTION CITIZEN./ ATTENTION CITIZEN./ RELAY/ RELAY/ RELAY/ /MINISTRY OF INFORMATION BROADRELAY/ Serve your State. Prove your worth. Contribute to the Great Way, Regalian. RELAY/ RELAY/ RELAY/ The Ministry of Information hires informants. The State rewards valour...
  5. BeetrootSalad

    Armament Permits: An Information Board

    I will keep this short and simple for efficency: An unfortunate amount of citizens have little knowledge on how to apply for, maintain and properly keep an armaments permit. This is not a fault of them, but rather, a fault of little public communication. Everything from what a permit is to how...
  6. Salier

    Modern Pontiffs

    Frieden und Segen The Modern Pontiffs By Dictation of His Holiness, Reverend Jakob Hendrik Ludevar Scribed by Brother-Curates Jan Pieter Schanserd & Hugo Neri PREFACE During my tenure as the Reverend of Hawthe, I have seen many different High Reverends come and go, some of them I have...
  7. Llatzerus

    Looking For Sources!

    Several posters are placed around noticeboards within the city, featuring the following text. The Regalian Tribune is looking for sources and informants! Bring to us any true recent stories you might have, and you'll be paid well if the stories are usable in the next issue of the...
  8. Ragnio

    The Regalian Sewers (version 2) - Highlights, Map & More

    Welcome to the new Regalian Sewers! The new Regalian Sewers. Confusing? Yes. Several levels? For sure! Danger? ALWAYS AND EVERYWHERE! With the release of the new sewers I would like to showcase some of the most unique spots, give you some information on the new sewers, and help you to find the...