
  1. Mooffins

    The Tower Of Lady Adelaide

    The Tower of Lady Adelaide, Vieux-Provence, Hinterlandia, September 13th, 226 AC. The bells tolled in the center of Vieux-Provence, summoning the citizens of the Raven Capital to worship on the murky late-September morning. To the west of the Hinterlandish chapel, Castle Machellon rested with...
  2. AntonVoron

    A Nest Of Ravens

    A Nest of Ravens Heavy the wind blew west, sending gales of sharpest icy touch down Hinderlandish valleys, like the stampeding of a thousand ironclad hooves. Farmers held their children close to them, ushering them to take shelter within stonewalled huts and cottages. Priests tapped their...
  3. AntonVoron

    A Star East Of Oxoron

    A Star East of Oxoron Vianschied lay cold and bare upon the wild heath. The Keep’s walls skirted by unchecked heather, faded purple and hard with age. The moorlands were peaceful this time of year. They’d returned to their natural state. With the ceasing of Brûlantfest, the undergrowth was...
  4. Mooffins

    House Ravenstad

    Picture of Lake du Lyon, nestled on the Brissiaud-Dragenthal border. I've released this revitalized lore in piecemeal rather than completely finished, because it's still better uncompleted than the old lore was with its inaccuracy and whatnot. This will be expanded and added onto until it's...