
  1. Chapstxcks

    Inquisitorial Conquest I | Marienritter Order

    Declaration of the first Inquisitorial Conquest March 12th, 308AC. Marienritter Order It is with a heavy heart that the first Inquisitorial Conquest of the reborn and independant Crimson Inquisition must be on those of Ailor blood. But, it is what we are drawn to when people run through our...
  2. ZiggyStarDusted

    Frosted Kiss

    Murmurs echoed between the stone walls of the church hall as guests were getting seated, curiously peering around. To anyone not invited, it would appear as if any other regular day in the church. ‘No flower arrangements’, one lady remarked to her accompanying friend, ‘And no music’ was the...
  3. InDogsWeTrust

    Let’s Talk About H E R E Sy

    BEFORE YOU ALL JUMP DOWN MY THROAT ABOUT THIS THREAD NEEDING TO BE IN LORE Q&A... Please read. The OOC Clarification Question: What’s all this about heresy and enforcing unionism tho???? Because last I checked, p much every religion except Void Worship is protected??? So, how can we being...
  4. Beowulfthecool

    Iris Gold: A Word On Gods

    Within the capital, great scrolls of parchment were nailed into the walls of buildings alongside many roads, it read as follows in a solid and firm hand. "This essay is written both for mind and tongue. Speak with it if you wish, or read on. You all, in stone castles who stand in fear of...