
  1. AWildRhia

    House Hállëvandëia

    "Like the trees who sway with the wind, neither do we break." [All credit goes to @Eccetra for the original thread, reposted with her permission!] ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ Race: Primarily Yanar Culture...
  2. The Unknown

    It's Fine, Really

    Just a short lil thing I did on Tes' experience of the Loyalist attack on Regalia. Yeah. The one where he gets his leg and hand blown off. NOTE! This is not for the faint of heart. It's creepy. Just saying. @Caelamus @VintageMystic @Eccetra @Scriihbe @Inferno_Breaker and @MolagBallin are all...
  3. Eccetra

    Heiwynn Family

    ✿ The Heiwynn Family ✿ "Your typical farmers; the last of the Nenyarina." This thread is vastly outdated and awaiting update! Please contact @Eccetra and @Caelamus directly for inquiries. Lineage: Yanar, Avanthar, Cielothar. Hometown: Surya Cëllio. - Southern Daendroc. Trade: Primary...