
  1. FoxZgrrl

    Played Character Useryah Mialana Bel-Kesnora

    Character Information Full Name: Useryah Mialana Bel-Kesnora Heritage / Culture: Half-Remet Asha (Hedjet) Half Solvaan (Azureborn) Age: 21 (or whatever is the equivalent for her race) Gender / Pronouns: Female, She/They Religion: Khama Occult: Mundane Character Occupation: Freelance worker...
  2. yuomr/jason

    Preserved Sheet Beinari Yeung

    Basic Information Name: Zhiyin Beinari Yeung Age: 19 Pronouns: He/Him Race: Half-Asha (Asha/Sihai) Sexuality: Homosexual Preferred Weapon: Alchemy/Claws Core Concept: Beinari is strong willed individual that enjoys finding and experiencing new things, so long as it's on his own terms. He is...